Scandal! - Dintle's Drug Bust |
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Scandal! - Dintle's Drug Bust

Dintle's in a full-blown panic after her man, Mo, gets arrested for allegedly supplying drugs to Nqo. Nqo's playing the blame game, leaving Dintle fighting tooth and nail to clear Mo's name. 

But things get seriously messy when Nqo's out cold in the hospital, and a shady character named Isaac slithers in, pressuring Dintle to take over Mo's supposed drug dealing business. Talk about a nightmare!

Can Dintle expose the truth and save Mo, or will she get sucked deeper into this dangerous world to protect him? Buckle up, Scandal! fam, because the drama is about to reach boiling point! 

Tune in weeknights at 7.30pm on for the shocking twists and turns, will love conquer all in this web of lies and danger? Don't miss a single episode – you won't believe what unfolds!