Smoke and Mirrors - Decptions & Alliances |
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Smoke and Mirrors - Decptions & Alliances

Shocking discoveries and betrayals rock the community. The investigation into Dikeledi's death takes a sharp turn as Thandiswa and Caesar find themselves under suspicion.  

Meanwhile, a shocking revelation about the murder weapon throws suspicion on Mthetho. As Lulu grapples with her divorce and General's romantic advances, a family intervention leaves her even more confused.  

Don't miss the rising tension between Tiny and Petunia, fuelled by whispers and a surprising betrayal witnessed by Petunia.

Prepare for heartache and family drama as the week unfolds. Mandla faces the possibility that Fanyana might not be his son, while Phakathi disappears from work, putting himself in danger.

 Tensions rise further as a paternity test is demanded, loyalties are tested, and new alliances are formed.  

Will Caesar betray his friend to help take down Phakathi?  And what dark secret is Phakathi hiding that has Magolide so worried?

Smoke and Mirrors weeknights at 9PM.